About us

BMFcert GmbH is a subsidiary of the BMF – Federal Quality Association for Assembly Construction and Prefabricated Houses (Bundes-Gütegemeinschaft Montagebau und Fertighäuser e.V.). BMFcert is a recognised monitoring and certification body according to the State Building Code (LBO) and an accredited certification body according to European Construction Products Regulation. They work closely with the BMF and its members. Monitoring in the area of RAL quality assurance is coordinated and carried out by BMFcert. The BMFcert office is located in Bad Honnef. Employees are located in different regions of Germany with a view to keeping the work flexible and travel times to our customers lower. Monitoring abroad can be carried out either by ourselves or by our local partners.


Florian Bauer

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) [Graduate engineer]

Managing director
Test Engineer

Cheryl Ebert


Martin Müller

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) [Graduate engineer]

Deputy Head of the
Certification Body
Test Engineer

Antje Wagner

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) [Graduate engineer]

Head of the
Certification Body
Test Engineer

Thomas Weisenfeld

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) [Graduate engineer]

Test Engineer


BMFcert is a certification body accredited by the DAkkS – German Accreditation Body (Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle) for products, processes and services according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-01. The professional and systemic requirements needed by the certification body are put in force via a quality management system that is continuously reviewed and updated. BMFcert undertakes its own internal reviews and is audited by DAkkS annually.


Accreditation by the DIBt is based on the DAkkS accreditation. BMFcert is thus authorised to monitor European regulated construction products and to certify manufacturers’ factory production control. This applies to the nail plate trusses, according to EN 14250, and solid wood with rectangular cross-sections, according to EN 14081-1, construction products. It is also a product certification body for construction kits for buildings made of timber and assists companies in the preparation of a European technical assessment.


BMFcert is a DIBt-recognised monitoring and certification body in the national arena, according to the LBO – State Building Code. This body can inspect and certify “double-sided clad or planked non-adhered wall, ceiling and roof elements”, “formwork trusses” and “dovetail joints” construction products.

Wir suchen ab sofort einen Prüfingenieur (m/w/d) als Verstärkung für unser Team zur

  • Evaluierung von Bauprodukten und Qualitätsstandards in Fertigungsstätten und auf Baustellen
  • Mitarbeit in Normungsgremien
  • Entwicklung von Merkblättern und Infoschriften
  • Weiterentwicklung und Pflege unseres akkreditierten QM-Systems

Qualifikationen und Fähigkeiten

  • abgeschlossenes Studium in (Holz)bauingenieurwesen
  • grundlegende Kenntnisse in Hochbaustatik und Bauphysik
  • Erfahrung mit dem Baustoff Holz
  • ggf. mehrjährige Arbeitserfahrung in vergleichbarem Arbeitsumfeld
  • sichere Englischkenntnisse
  • erfahrender Umgang mit MS Office Anwendungen
  • Reisefreudigkeit
  • selbstständiges Arbeiten

Wir bieten…

  • ein motiviertes Team
  • eine moderne Büroumgebung
  • eine unbefristete Anstellung in Vollzeit
  • eine umfassende Einarbeitung
  • eine Aussicht auf einen Dienstwagen
  • flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • mobiles und eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten
  • eine moderne technische Ausstattung
  • ein regelmäßiges Weiterbildungsangebot
  • spannende Reisetätigkeiten im In- und Ausland
  • exklusive Einblicke in Produktionswerke und -prozesse
  • ggf. Ausblick auf Leitungsposition nach mehrjähriger Arbeitserfahrung